Tumbling Again


Ah, the rush of the open road and discovering new vistas. There’s something soothing about that for me. While I did enjoy my extended stay in the Tri-Cities and having daily family time again, this documentary isn’t gonna finish itself. Plus, we made the local NBC news.

Earlier this year, techno-optimist Kevin Kelly shared the various lessons he’s learned in his 68 years of life. One comes to mind right now:

Be prepared: When you are 90% done any large project (a house, a film, an event, an app) the rest of the myriad details will take a second 90% to complete.

That is the truth that looms in my mind right now. I have many more miles to drive but only 10 more interviews to shoot. With 26 interviews completed, my mind has begun to shift towards the myriad of details and various steps that will get this large project to the finish line.

Getting back on the road yesterday felt good. Driving up US Hwy 12 from the Tri-Cities to Lewiston in the late day sunlight was spectacular. This highway traces along the route Lewis & Clark took on their journey. The landscape is different today thanks to modern farming and irrigation technologies.

I became enamored with the rolling hills, amber waves of grain, and sinuous path of the road as it followed the natural terrain. My drive took about an hour longer since I stopped multiple times for photos and video segments, including two Mavic Pro flights.

This was a surprising gem of a segment on this route and today’s journey into the Bitterroot Mountains promises to be even better.

What’s been a surprising discovery you’ve made recently?


Origin Stories


Eastward Bound